Thursday, December 8, 2011


Hi guys, so I have a message I really want to pass on to everyone. So today for the oral part of my spanish final I got to sing "Deck the Halls" in spanish. It was kind of cool actually. That is not my message however, so my message to everyone is, Why do we treat our life like it is a chore? It isnt, and anyone who says they know anything about the god or the bible should know this. People complain about work, and trust me there are days where I would much rather be at home with the ones I love, but I am very blessed to have a job. And a job is meant to help you provide what you need. If you have what you need, then you can't really complain. There are so many road blocks that you will all face in your life, but if we all just sat down and said oh well, well where would this world be? I mean I have plenty of blessings in my life, but I could complain about plenty also, but if I did that my life would be so negative and so unenjoyable. Why dont people get that??? So many people forget those small things. I love my time i get with anyone, when me and brad get an extra 20 minutes driving in the car even if we aren't talking that time is so meaningful. Why don't we see that thought? I wish people would step back and see that, things could be so much worse. I heard a story on the news, where a bell ringer for the salvation army found a silver coin in their bucket, with that coin was a note, that said "this peice of silver is something  I have had for thirty years, I lost my jobs 30 months ago, my house is in forclosure, and I have no retirement left, but my life could be so much worse, and so many other people things much worse" wow that is so amazing. I think we should all realize that.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

this week...

hello beautiful people, so how are you doing today. I finally got my new reboks today. I am really excited got to break them in running/jogging/walking in the hills with th dogs and brad. SO so far this week if off to a good start, i have worked out really well, had my first big final today, it was an english final presentation which i totally nailed. My professor told me I should really try and major in marketing or journalism. Which was totally a compliment because both of things really interest me. SOO now I only have a spanish final, and my last global studies paper, which i found out today on my last two papers in global studies I got 100% and a 92%, not sooo bad if i do say so myself. So with that I am tired, I am going to bed early tonight so maybe I can actually wake up and jog tomorrow like I have been meaning to do for like 2 weeks now. GOODNIGHT =)

Monday, December 5, 2011

its only monday

Hi guys!!! So its the beginning of the week and oh my god, its only the beginning of the week. Thats crazy with all the homework i have done today and my day a work yesterday, it should be friday already. But thats okay because i found out on sunday that even though i did not work out as much as I would have liked, my eating habits paid off because I lost a whole 4 POUNDS!!! I was really excited. Sooo as for this week I am going to step up my working out and then see you on sunday another four pounds. SO I kind of have an issue I would really love to vent about. And I would love some honest feed back. Me and brad will be celebrating our three year anniversy in about a month and I am really excited, however I am started to get annoyed with the world and how such important things mean so little to people. Like the words I LOVE YOU. it seems like it means nothing to people, how can you be with a person for like a month and possible understand love? have you been threw true test? have you seen each other at your worst? celebrated the bests? get that feeling that you cant breath and you will never catch your breath if that other person leaves? If you dont know what that feels you arent even close to love, you and love arent even in the same city. If you can watch that person cry for you to stay, while you turn your back and walk away, you and love are notin the same country. People on facebook, and twitter, and all thos sites say oh I am in love, We are amazing, and i just want to slap them. Love doesnt last a day and go away a week later, and just because its been a week does not mean this is the one and you will spend your life together.. GET REAL!!! I in no way have a perfect relationship, but I am honest with myself, I give my relationship my all, I tell bradley everything and anything, I spend about 85% of my day thinking about him. I dont even get scared that we will become bored with each other, because even if we have been together all day and we are laying in bed, there is still always something to talk about. We both know where we have been, we know and are open about the rough road we have had in our past, we have no idea about our future, but what we do know, is we will be hand in hand to face whatever comes our way. If you cant say ALL those things.. ALL of them... YOU ARENT IN LOVE!!! GOODNIGHT!!!