Sunday, April 8, 2012

SOOO... Its time...

Wow, So I am sure if anyone is reading this you are probably in shock that I am posting something, because lets be honest its been about a million years. But its time. time to stop messing around and get things together. It seems as though when I get one thing under control I let another go. And my goals of fitness and weight loss have been that thing to go. But this needs to stop, the excuses, the using people around me as excuses, using lack of time. There really isnt a reason to not be fit every single day. If I can find time to catch up on my shows then their is time to work out. This is it, this is the last time I will ever feel this way. This is the last time I will look and things and feel as tho I am failing because thats when I really break down and give into horrible food that I dont even really want to eat. SO no more. I apperciate everyone who is there and supports me, but I have also come to the realization that people who fail to do something want others around them to fail as well. And I will no longer let anyone stand in my way and I will no longer stand in any one else way! LETS DO IT!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tiff, love the motivation you have! Now don't let it lessen as time goes on. It's important that you stay motivated; with 1440 minutes in a day, you can always make time for at least 30 minutes of exercise. I've always liked a particular quote from Muhammad Ali, in which he said, "I hated every minute of training, but I said, don't quit! Suffer now, and life the rest of your life as a champion". Have a good workout today, and let it be the smallest one you ever have, as you push yourself to greater heights each and every day! Today is your day of change, and today is the first step towards the new you!
