Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 12: Betsey Overload and a hot mess!!!

Hello friends. So im writting this kinda quickly tonight because its almost midnight and I have to be up at seven for work (i know, i sound like a big girl and everything) so heres todays run down. Was suppose to b at work at 6:30am and then my alarm decided to fail and i woke up at 7:10. SHIT. so rushed to work, luckly my boss lady is super chill and totally understood. So the day was totally off to a ruff start huge sale we had to set the whole store up for and tons to do, and it seemed like every single thing was totally working against me. So finally i get into my grove a little bit start just busting things out, and then its lunch. When all the sudden I realize holy crap its a labor day sale and everything is an additional 15% off, So all this amazing betsey Johnson stuff i had my friend in jewlary stash for me is now not 50% off its 65%. So i eat my yummy(healthy packed) lunch and head downstairs to claim my prizes. When then she tells me that she has a coupon for me that i can use because I'm using my card. Amazing i know. So these necklaces I have wanted FOREVER that are normally like 45 and 50 dollars are now just... drum roll please... 10.50 a piece and that is before my employee discount... AMAZING. Thats why tonights picture is of my necklaces. Incase you cant tell. There are four necklaces, There is a pink heart that says LOVE and its pink and glittery, then behind that is this super cute pug face and it has a bow and  dimond dangalies hanging from it, to the right of that is my totally cute giraffe, and infront of that is a pink bejeweled crown with dimonds and pretty things. and in the middle of all those is the best, MY HUGE PINK ELEPHANT RING. you cant see the top but it has a huge dimond as well. sooo excited!! so after that the world was good again. Was totally chill the rest of the day at work, came home had a really yummy dinner(chicken salad with dark lettuce chicken and some of that yummy loco dressing from el polo loco) went to the gym, kicked ass on my run.. feeling really good this week. I hope everyone out there is as well. Well i gotta go to work. I am a big girl now who has to work early. GOODNIGHT :)

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