Monday, August 29, 2011

day 11: wow, the way world universe works.

Hello, I know what your thinking, looks who is the early bird today. And yes I most deffenatly am. Today is so interesting, the reason for that is because i decided to jump on the scale and just see, see where I am at. I mean I only went to the gym like two or three times this week. Didnt eat super great, but you know you cant make changes unless you know what your working with, right? Well, I stepped on that scale, closed my eyes, counted to ten and looked down. And woah! What a shock I actually lost a pound this week. I mean i know thats not alot but its going to right way down the road im heading. Its taking steps forward and not taking steps backward. And that makes me pretty happy. So ill be heading to the gym pretty soon here. Oh and starting my new job tomorrow thats pretty exciting also. Well Im going to finsih watching Big Rich Texas(my great secret addication) then ill see you later. I hope everyone has a great day and a great week also.

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