Sunday, August 21, 2011

day number???? soorrrry

Okay Okay Im a bad blogger I have been preoccupied a little bit. But Im back, and Im really ready to start out this week. So these last few days/week have been all about me figuring out things in life, and yes I know that doesnt happen over a week, but its starting me down the right path. I have had alot of doubts lately. In my relationship with both my signifcant other and my friendships, I have had alot of doubts about god and religion for many years now, and have had alot of doubts about what I am capable of. Well over this summer so many things for me have been answered.  I realized that I dont have to go to chruch every day or even everyweek, I dont have to scream to the world how catholic I am or what i believe the relationship I have with god is just that, my relationship with god. But it is deffenatly a relationship i need to continue working one. I have been so happy lately that some of my closest friends have come back into my life and given me the chance to see what amazing friendships i have and continue to have. Most important my relationship with Brad. We have deffenatly been tested lately. But i feel like right when we fall down I really notice how much we continue to grow with each other and how blessed I am to have that support system. SOO as for  this week coming up. Brad has two aunts that i truly find inspirational, well actually most of his family inspires me, but in this aspect he has two, they both are open with their struggle with weight and the struggle they have always faced. What inspires me about them is that they are always open with everyone about what things they are trying to help them with their struggle and they are always open when something fails them. Spending time with them on sundays always makes me ready to face my week ahead. so thats what I have for time being, I promise I will be good all week and keep you in the loop(pictures and all) i hope everyone starts their week out right as well. GOODLUCK!!!

1 comment:

  1. goodluck with your week. sounds like you are making changes for the better, and you arent alone.
    thats a good looking man in you picture. who is he?
