Sunday, August 28, 2011

day 10: im a bad blogger :(

Sorry, I have been a really bad blogger lately i know.. There has been so much i want to say but i keep forget to do it. and then when I am laying in bed at like 1:30 im like awwww i forgot again!! okay well im here now, so I came to a realization today, i have this whole great mind from about getting healthy loosing weight and all that, but i set myself up to fail everytime. why is that? because i say i want to get healthy I am not on  a diet, I am doing a complete life style change right? well then how come i am like okay well by sept bla bla bla I am going to be a million pounds lighter. Well heres a shocker that day comes and goes, that weight never comes and I sit totally defeated. There is a reason that people struggle with this, and it is because it isnt an easy thing nor something that once you do it your done, skinny forever. Its hard, it takes time and dedication, but i mean I am dedicating to a full time work schedule, a full time school schedule, dedicating to a career that is very competive and hard to do. So why not take this time to do something for my body? I mean i either put the time in now or suffer later right? So im not setting dead lines, its going to happen i just need to remember that. I need to work make smart choices about what to eat, but also to remember  that just because i want to go and have a french fry doesnt make me a failure. It makes me a person, you know? Alright gotta go watch Jersey show now... have a goodnight ad lets have a great week!

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