Monday, August 15, 2011

Dry run.

Okay well its the first day out... I will warn you know you will probably find more spelling mistakes and puncuation errors then if a second grader was writting this. But here we go. I read so many peoples blogs, sometimes even people i dont know that well. Its funny how you can write our deepest thoughts on a blog for hundreds of people to read, but could probably never say most of them outload. Do you think that we do that because this way the thoughts go somewhere but we dont actually have to SAY them? for example, I am uncomfortable in my own skin and the way i look. wow i just erased and rewrote that about 100 times. but thats the point of the blog to be honest maybe even when i dont want to be. but why write a blog? because maybe if i have something to answer to i can follow something i have never followed threw with. and that is... getting healthy. i dont want another family function to come around and me to think wow i wish i was about 75 lbs thinner, or another date night that i go on grumpy because nothing fit like it did when i bought it. i found something interesting today. this may sound totally lame, but as i was watching keeping up with the Kardashings today, which was all about Kim having the issues with being infront of crowds of people talking dancing and performing, i realized that she is a women who has possed naked for playboy, has been captured in a string bikini, and you know what, still has body and confidence issues. Isnt that saying something? Im not sure what i will always write in this blog. but my goal is to always write in this blog, on the good days, the bad days, even the ugly days with a picture included(much like the one above).. so hopefully, if im lucky maybe ill help someone else struggling with goals that seem inpossible, and if not.. well i still got you to waste like maybe 10 minutes on me rambling . so here goes, my journey to find whatever it is I am looking for to find. goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. I just love your blog! And will read no matter what your ramblin' on about. But I want you to know, you're beautiful. Inside (which matters the most) and outside. Love ya Tiff!

