Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 2: a cheap treadmill and jillian micheals.

so day number two of blogging... i have no idea if anyone is reading this but here goes. So i went to old navy today and found running shorts for .97 cent. yes thats right .97 cents. they are cute, and super hot pink. so with new shorts in tow i was ready to get back to working out. So my mom bought this new treadmill the other day and i was going to try it out because for as much as i loath running, heres a fact i always notice, when at the gym where the line of treadmills are you always see the skinny in shape girls running there asses off and then the not so Skinny girl on the other things. so my new philosophy is i will essentially fake it till i make it. Run on the treadmill like i am a skinny girl until i actually become a skinny girl. so i hop on this treadmill and start going and it freaking SUCKED!!! as the incline got higher i couldnt even rest my hands on something i was to tall. so after 10 minutes of totally struggling i hit that huge red stop button and was DONE... i sat on the couch with the intent to be pissed off with an inaniment object, or i could try this again. so here i sit saying a quick hello and now i am off to do a jillian micheals video(because after all she is my hero in life) i shall keep you posted till then. oh and SUPER sexy workout/daily picture is up.


  1. Hey lady! You're beautiful. Seriously, you are. Love this blog :) I'll be sure to keep up with it!


  2. all i gotta say is...can i get some .97 cent shorts? lol
