Thursday, August 18, 2011

day 4: new devils? or just finally seeing?

So techincally its actully day five. but if your really paying that close attention then you need to get a life quicker then i do. so heres the verdict i have faced today, food truly is a demon for me. I seem to loose all control in that aspect. today for example, i was makinf a seasme chicken frozen meal, nice healthy option right? and while waiting for it to cook, i suddenly realized i was snakcing on a stale old piece of apple pie. It wasnt even good. Whats wrng with that pciture? I feel like i have so much inspiration all around me to change my eating but i dont do anything about it. and that is very frustrating! why is it so hard to break habits, habits that arent even healthy for us. Is this what an addict feels like it?  totally trapped in the whole they have dug themselves? why is it that 9 times out of tens the things we hate most about ourself are the things that are the hardest to change? any advice from anyone? how can i change my eating habits for the better, once and for all! no diets, no starving, truly becoming healthy!!! I NEED HELP!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man I feel you on this one! I have some pretty bad eating habits too. I heard that when you crave something you are supposed to drink a glass of water and it will help that craving go away. Unfortunately, that doesn't really work for me. So if you find anything that helps you out let me know too!!
