Tuesday, August 16, 2011

day 3: OUCH!!!

so sorry for those of you who were waiting to hear more from me yesterday. It was not a positive day. seemed like everything i tried to did not happen.but thats okay i suppose have to keep my head up. so as for today, well i went to work at 11 today, things were going very well, like half an hour before my shift was over i was talking to my manager, took a step forward and all the sudden horrible pains shot up both of my hips. It was positivly horrible!!! Then I got home and now not only do my hip bones feel like someone is stabing them, but now my whole lower back, from side to side, is in the worst pain also! soooooo here i lay on the couch with a heating pad. not exactly the best when you had a list the size of china you wanted to get done once you got home from work.. OUCH...

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty much the face she made all day. Its a bummer that you got hurt.
