Monday, October 24, 2011

day 17: what a day...

hello friends, sooo what a day today has been. Sorry it is so late, I promise I have not forgotten about you. Today was very long, did not going into work today to stay home with bradley who is suffering from hand foot and mouth dease, when he broke out in welts, and so we made him a doctors app. but when he started to get worse we had to head into urgent care. luckly he had been taking the right medicine from the begining, so he got just a little more for the next 5 days and he is good to go. He is a little tired and a little out of it but will be back to normal very soon. As for me I am just tired my meals today consisted of a frozen quesodilla i microwaved, a piece of pizza, and then a smart one mexican plate. Yea working out? it didnt really happen today. I really should be doing some more homework but I think I am going to bed for the night. So goodnight everybody I hope everyone has a much better day then me, and lets all have great days tomorrow. GOODNIGHT :)

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