Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 16: horrible horrible horrible, I know!!!

Okay so maybe what a month of being a no show? if not longer? I am so sorry to anyone who is still out there reading. I promise to get back on track, which is actually tonights topic. Lets fill you in on the last month of my life. I have been going threw my own personal issues, which have really been stressing me out, feeling very "lost" to say the least. I have been doubting why and what I am going to school for, I have been off track with working out, I have been eating pretty good but when I come home from work or school I am just too tired to do anything. I feel like so many parts of my life are falling to the side because of everything else. I think sometimes i dont give enough time to my absolutly amazing patient boyfriend, not enough time to my beautiful dogs, not enough time to keeping my whole life just in order. Soo this weekend I got to sit down and have an amazing talk with a friend who I am realizing is one of those people you can talk for hours two about a million and one things and you get sooooo much figured out. well she said I helped her to realize so much, but i do not think she realized how much she made me realize. starting this week i need to get MY life back. working out is important me, and i need to find time to do it, NO EXCUSES!! I only have 3 more days working at the current position I am at work and then i get to move to something I will be making more money at as well as have more responsiblity at, so i can not let the manager i have to deal with of the old position ruin my moods or my days, I need to stop finding my friendships on the TV, stop getting lost in a mindless box when i know there is plenty more to be doing. As my very good friend said she is going to start doing the artistic things she likes doing, I like to cook and bake so I am going to make time to do that. Finally, I need to remember something, I am choosing to go into a career that is not easy, it is very demnading and very fast paced and requires alot from me, so i can not let myself get frustrated when I see how much school I have left, I am going to be open about whats going on and find ways to ask for help from the people who have told me they are always there to listen and help me. SOOOO yea, thats all, just those few little things ;) I have some things i really want to work on, And I PROMISE to be on here every night telling you how its going each week..(oh and each night i am going to start thanking someone who helped me in anyway that day) sooo THANKS Rory for telling me you miss the blog and making me restart up, thanks Sam for having great conversation with me and helping to reinspire and relight some old flames, and thank you bradley for being the most patient man in history as I slowly loose my mind. good night every body

1 comment:

  1. Aww! i am so glad your back and getting focused and back on track. I'm here to support you 100% because well, i think we need each other. Were going through similar thought processes. I love that I feel so comfortable talking to you and I hope for more great conversations. Oh and if you ever need a workout buddy or want to bake together, I'm here!!!! :D
