Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Are you guys bringing me down??

so dont get me wrong, whenever any of you guys tell me I inspired you, or I helped to re-motivate you, that really makes me very happy. However, it is starting to kinda of upset me when I feel like the people I am trying to inspire just try to tear me down. And that is really all I have to say about that. As for my day I had a great workout, and if you are wondering what that beautiful picture is of, well that is my brand new betsey johnson slippers. Arent they amazing??? that is not even everything it got, I got like six pairs of earings and two necklaces and also a very pretty ring. So I am very excited. about all those things, I also can not believe I have the next two whole days off, I am thinking about trying to do something nice for bradley just cant decide what to do. so thats all for tonight. Goodnight everyone.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

where is Tiffany and what have you done with her???

So you might be wondering about the title, well the reason I decided to say that is because I made choices today that surpirsed even myself! So I had to get up early so I didnt have a chance to run like I wish I had, but thats okay because when I got up my abs felt like i have literaly done 2000 crunches th night before, which I had actually not done, what I had really done was hula hoop for five minutes while keeping my abs tight. I am so amazed its my new secret move I think. So I woke and had a great breakfast at school, went to class and then got lunch. I had such and amazing lunch. So those of you who know me even alittle bit know I LOVE french fries, like with a passion, i could eat them 24/7 all the time for the rest of my life, if you told me I only could choice one food for the rest of my life, without hesitation I would choice french fries. That is how amazing they are to me. So anyway I go into the cafeteria at school and if anyone has ever eaten at CBU you know that all times during they day they have a french fry bar, a french fry bar I have come to know very well. So unlike my normal day, I skipped that all together, got a spinach salad, a spicy tuna roll and even some cottage cheese, and to top it off, NO soda, not even diet, just some water. So i was really proud of myself for that, like I realy could not believe that big step I made. So when I got home from work tonight I had already eaten dinner, so when I realized I was a little hungry I went in the kitchen and made some oatmeal, didnt mess around didnt snack, just made oatmeal. about an hour later I was really craving french fries, so I told brad and he said we could go get some if I really wanted them, so I sat there for about 10 minutes, then got up and got one of those small single sized bags of popcorn. Not only did I save myself the calories but I also saved myself the money. I know for some they would say I should not be snaking this late and all that stuff, but for me, the fact that I stepped back, said you know I really DONT need those french fries it totally made me even more proud of myself. It was a really great night and now I am off to bed at a normal hour so I CAN wake up in the morning and go for a run.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Hello beautiful people

     Hello all my beautiful friends!!! its been some time, i know, and i seems like i say that often, I also know. However yes i am back. So heres what has been going on with my life, still struggling with weither or not I will continue to persue nursing or if I want to persue something that has more passion to me. I have not lost the 100 million pound I want to but I am re-focusing, and getting ready to make some major imporvements in my life. I have decided that I cant stress over things that I dont have that much control over. When the time comes and it will come, I will know what major I will choose, and I think it time(hopefully soon time) I will know exactly what I want to be. And I do think that will come, because already I think I know what I would like to do, just need to make sure. SOO anyway, as for loosing weight an getting healthy, oh man I have been doing so bad with eating! It has been horrible, totally horrible. I have eaten nothing but crap and junk food!! And working out, what working out? That has been none exsistant also, but not anymore, i noticed something today, last night I told myself I really wanted to try and workout before work, and although I did not accomplish that, I did accomplish getting up and being like step one, actually getting out of bed, and i think that was a really big deal, and it made me happy. So once I get some more homework done I will be putting on my good old running shoes and hitting the pavement for some basic cardio. I am also really going to start boxing again, and try and getting jumping again with a jump rope. So thats the plan for me. Hopefully with this next week you guys will also notice a change in my blog. I want people to see what I see, I think thats really inspiring. So I want to take pics of everything I see from now on, and show you guys, maybe not right as much but show more, if that makes sense. So check back, and keep me posted on what you think!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Reunited and it feels so good..

So I have been having problems lately. I have been really doubting my career choice what i am going to school for and some other thing, i will be totally honest and tell you that my eating and working out have not been in check. But today i woke up and knew what i need to do. I worked on important school work, go some things around the house done, went jogging(i know totally crazy right) did my P90X. and not only did i do those things but i did them reunited with my favorite work out shirt, my TEAM JULLIAN shirt. it sounds weird but that shirt totally inpowers me, make me feel like i can do anything. So i did a great work out then went and bough some healthy food for the week, i came home and made great breakfast muffins for me an bradley to take with us for a busy week. and i am feeling good, now hopefully this feeling will stay, and i can make some real progress this week :) goodnight!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 23: yay its an update

hello friends or foes, which ever you fall under, How are you doing tonight? I hope your day was better then mine, and your night was as good as mine. I had a very bad day today, I have been very stressed out and just so lost as i had expressed before but then had some girl time with a great friend and then really worked some major stuff out. So that was very good. I'm still a little stressed out about school things but i think that is just to be expected. So last time i told you i was going to update on how my p90x dvds were going and they are going very well. i really like them, alot. they are hard and challenging but are broken up into ten minute periods so its totally do-able, i am really sore tonight and i know tomorrow I am going to be very sore and luckly tomorrow is my easier day and all i have to do is some nice yoga (im sure, its isnt going to be as easy I have convinced myself it will be, but thats okay) so thats pretty much everything I have for you guys tonight. Sorry i dont have a picture tonight but I am already in bed with the lights off and my man friends is ready to cuddle so i think he might have a small fit if i ask him to get up and turn the lights on so I can write in my blog. Just saying.Okay goodnight world see you in the next few days :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 22: tomorrrow is a big day

Hello friends, how are we all doing on this very cold weekend? I hope very well! so I am in a very inspired more tonight because for me tomorrow is a very big day. I finally get to start p90x. For those of you thinking "girlfriend you are crazy, and way to out of shape" well i would have to agree with that. I will be starting the begineers addition. it helps you to start to loose weight and build up the stanima and endurance you will need to do the real thing. I am very excited for this because it is only 30 minutes a day 6 days a week and then only 10 minutes a day once a week. i feel like it is totally do-able for me. I have been working my new position at macys and i love it. Getting to interact with all these new hires reminds me of when i was a new hire and so egar to sell and please. It has really been a very wonderful weekend. and getting to finally break in my new CBU sweatshirt is a great feeling also. I love this cold weather, it makes cuddling with you specail someone even more enjoyable. I hope everyone has a great night and ill update you tomorrow as to how the new workout goes. GOODNIGHT :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 21: Nov 1st, okay lets start a new.

hello friends, so today has been an eye opening day. It started out kind of ruff, I was feeling very down, didnt really want to be at school, didnt want to be alone. Was just in a very horrible mind set. If you dont know last week I got sick and so missed like almost a whole week of school, luckly I have amazing teachers who are totally great (especially if you have a doctors note). but this is not about my teachers or having a bad day, it is about the signs your life throws you when you think all is really lost. So I went into my english professors office, because  I have missed like 4 classes, so I wanted to talk to her about an essay I was behind on and see what i should do. I was telling her all these Ideas that kept poping up as I was writing this essay and leading me in ten different ways, making it so I could never finish anything. Thinking she is going to say oh well to bad, she says "thats great, that is exactly what this class is suppose to do, you are totally on track, let your mind go, explore all the options it wants you too," it was sooo amzing to have a professor who was actually interested in what I was saying. She told me to go home and just write about the essay, whatever came to mind all the ideas just write them and then submit it, because she was excited to read it and see that her class WAS doing what she wanted it to. Making me question what i started with, make me uncomfortable but still making me grow. It was really cool. so after talking to her i went to my global studies class where we had a guest speaker, who had been living in Indonesia, including when the big earth quake and tsunami hit. And even though he said some amazing things, there was one thing he shared. when the wave hitthe village him and his family were staying in as missionaries was hit, him and his family were actually on a boat on there way to singapour, when they returned to find nothing they were shocked. their neighbor, a young girl in her twenties who had lost both her parents the year before had lost everything as well, including the family animals that helped her to earn money. The speaker was so enraged he asked her why she thought God would do this to them (yes this was a missionary saying this) and he said the next thing she said forever changed him more then any natural disaster could. she said " Brian, what do you mean? God kept you, your family, me, our neighbors alive. The question is what did we do for God to spare us." isnt that inspiring? because that is how so many of us live our lifes, asking what we did wrong for god to punish us, when we should be asking what we did to deserve the small gifts we get. I feel so good today. I hope to keep that message in my mind. Please tell me what you think of that message.