Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Reunited and it feels so good..

So I have been having problems lately. I have been really doubting my career choice what i am going to school for and some other thing, i will be totally honest and tell you that my eating and working out have not been in check. But today i woke up and knew what i need to do. I worked on important school work, go some things around the house done, went jogging(i know totally crazy right) did my P90X. and not only did i do those things but i did them reunited with my favorite work out shirt, my TEAM JULLIAN shirt. it sounds weird but that shirt totally inpowers me, make me feel like i can do anything. So i did a great work out then went and bough some healthy food for the week, i came home and made great breakfast muffins for me an bradley to take with us for a busy week. and i am feeling good, now hopefully this feeling will stay, and i can make some real progress this week :) goodnight!!

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