Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 21: Nov 1st, okay lets start a new.

hello friends, so today has been an eye opening day. It started out kind of ruff, I was feeling very down, didnt really want to be at school, didnt want to be alone. Was just in a very horrible mind set. If you dont know last week I got sick and so missed like almost a whole week of school, luckly I have amazing teachers who are totally great (especially if you have a doctors note). but this is not about my teachers or having a bad day, it is about the signs your life throws you when you think all is really lost. So I went into my english professors office, because  I have missed like 4 classes, so I wanted to talk to her about an essay I was behind on and see what i should do. I was telling her all these Ideas that kept poping up as I was writing this essay and leading me in ten different ways, making it so I could never finish anything. Thinking she is going to say oh well to bad, she says "thats great, that is exactly what this class is suppose to do, you are totally on track, let your mind go, explore all the options it wants you too," it was sooo amzing to have a professor who was actually interested in what I was saying. She told me to go home and just write about the essay, whatever came to mind all the ideas just write them and then submit it, because she was excited to read it and see that her class WAS doing what she wanted it to. Making me question what i started with, make me uncomfortable but still making me grow. It was really cool. so after talking to her i went to my global studies class where we had a guest speaker, who had been living in Indonesia, including when the big earth quake and tsunami hit. And even though he said some amazing things, there was one thing he shared. when the wave hitthe village him and his family were staying in as missionaries was hit, him and his family were actually on a boat on there way to singapour, when they returned to find nothing they were shocked. their neighbor, a young girl in her twenties who had lost both her parents the year before had lost everything as well, including the family animals that helped her to earn money. The speaker was so enraged he asked her why she thought God would do this to them (yes this was a missionary saying this) and he said the next thing she said forever changed him more then any natural disaster could. she said " Brian, what do you mean? God kept you, your family, me, our neighbors alive. The question is what did we do for God to spare us." isnt that inspiring? because that is how so many of us live our lifes, asking what we did wrong for god to punish us, when we should be asking what we did to deserve the small gifts we get. I feel so good today. I hope to keep that message in my mind. Please tell me what you think of that message.

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