Monday, November 28, 2011

Hello beautiful people

     Hello all my beautiful friends!!! its been some time, i know, and i seems like i say that often, I also know. However yes i am back. So heres what has been going on with my life, still struggling with weither or not I will continue to persue nursing or if I want to persue something that has more passion to me. I have not lost the 100 million pound I want to but I am re-focusing, and getting ready to make some major imporvements in my life. I have decided that I cant stress over things that I dont have that much control over. When the time comes and it will come, I will know what major I will choose, and I think it time(hopefully soon time) I will know exactly what I want to be. And I do think that will come, because already I think I know what I would like to do, just need to make sure. SOO anyway, as for loosing weight an getting healthy, oh man I have been doing so bad with eating! It has been horrible, totally horrible. I have eaten nothing but crap and junk food!! And working out, what working out? That has been none exsistant also, but not anymore, i noticed something today, last night I told myself I really wanted to try and workout before work, and although I did not accomplish that, I did accomplish getting up and being like step one, actually getting out of bed, and i think that was a really big deal, and it made me happy. So once I get some more homework done I will be putting on my good old running shoes and hitting the pavement for some basic cardio. I am also really going to start boxing again, and try and getting jumping again with a jump rope. So thats the plan for me. Hopefully with this next week you guys will also notice a change in my blog. I want people to see what I see, I think thats really inspiring. So I want to take pics of everything I see from now on, and show you guys, maybe not right as much but show more, if that makes sense. So check back, and keep me posted on what you think!!

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